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Ministry and Community Events 


Prayer Shawls : Prayer Shawls are made by members of the congregation for those in need of comfort and love. They are blessed and given freely for anyone in need.


Meals to Shut ins : Meals are taken regularly to those in need. This ministry has focused on men who are alone and grieving, or alone with many children who need assistance while their wife is abroad.


Ninety Year Old's Luncheon: Twice a year a luncheon is provided for any and all ninety year olds in our community. The luncheon celebrates them and brings together a group that may have a difficult time otherwise joining their peers.

Pastoral Care : Focuses on visiting shutins and those in assisted care or hospitalized. Also, those involved in pastoral care send cards and letters to those alone on holidays, anniversaries and birthdays.

Swap and Shop: A service providing coats, clothing, school supplies and various other essentials to those in need. It is located in the church basement and has assisted many people in our community.

Grief Group :In August of 2013 our former Rector formed a monthly widow and widower grief group. The response in the community was over whelming. With an average attendance of 15 it quickly became simply a "Grief Group". Everyone who attended these meetings realized that they were not alone in their journey. We also welcomed all faiths.


Centering Prayer :

Sunday School : Our Sunday School meets each Sunday during the school year for all children above three years old. Each Sunday they have a lesson and a project. Afterwards they attend the communion and the remainder of the service.


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Join us on the First Friday of the month from 5-7 pm for "Kid's Night Out" - an evening of food, fun, and fellowship. DUE TO A CONFLICT WITH THE ANTIQUE BOAT SHOW, THE NEXT KIDS NIGHT OUT WILL OCCUR ON AUGUST 9 

Weather permitting, we are enjoying Lemonade on the Lawn in lieu of coffee hour at Christ Church!

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